Impact on Albertans
Together we can stop the devastation of suicide.
Since 2012 Alberta has lost 6,466 individuals to suicide
In Canada 11.8% of people have had thoughts of suicide at some point in their lives
For every one suicide, as many as 135 people can be impacted by the loss.

Over the last seven years, Alberta has supported Thumbs Up in identifying and demonstrating a zero suicide model.
We are committed to continuing this momentum, and increasing the capacity of Alberta’s existing care networks and community resources.
Improvement to quality & coordination of care
Volunteer Hours
the challenges at a local level
The current provision of mental health services is often siloed, clinical rather than person-centered, and requires extensive wait times.
People experiencing mental health challenges often present to primary care providers with physical symptoms (e.g., fatigue, insomnia, palpitations), and often, psychological causes are overlooked.
Residents who live in rural and remote Alberta have greater barriers to mental wellness services than those who live in large urban centres.
During mental health challenges, individuals or their families are not likely to look to technology-based solutions for help.
Those who are in pre-contemplative or contemplative stages don’t typically present to primary care at all and many times fall through the cracks.
When people with mental illness aren’t adequately supported, they tend to disproportionally engage with a range of crises services, such as emergency room visits.
Authentic Voices
Effective systems start with people.
System design must be guided by those who have been through the existing systems, can tell you what works, what doesn’t, and attest to the impact of new approaches.