The Project
Harmonized Health is a made-in-Alberta initiative pioneering innovative approaches to brain health—creating a future that hasn’t existed, where every investment improves outcomes, every effort has purpose, and every voice matters.
TUF’s ten years of work on a Harmonized Health approach to care has led to a clearer vision: Real change to the system comes through integration versus overhaul and a focus on inclusivity and intersectionality both at the micro level (individuals and families) and the macro level (medical professionals, service providers, and community agencies). Our Harmonized Health approach prioritizes inclusivity and intersectionality both at the micro level and the macro level. Because many community support programs aren’t designed with intersectionality in mind, individuals and families can find the system hard to navigate or end up at the wrong place at the wrong time for the wrong service.
The Harmonized Health 2.0 project team established a simple, effective solution to improving care coordination, collaboration, and integration: placing a Community Care Coordinator as a critical bridge between people and service providers. The Community Care Coordinator acts as a single point of contact for individuals and/or their families and focuses on how people flow and transition between service providers.
Thumbs Up has created a video to illustrate how individuals and families are part of a team - a Harmonized Health Team - that together, work towards significantly impacting the mental health of individuals, families and that of the communities in which we live and work.
It uses baseball analogies to explain the complex interactions between individuals, families and communities to support and integrate the road to resilience.
Harmonized Health 2.0 Executive Summary